The dictionary has been fully updated with the addition of recent vocabulary relating to computers, mobile phones, social media and the Internet. Its greatest advantage is that it contains recent idiomatic expressions which have become popular in the past several years and which are not found in other competing dictionaries. Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary, now with 30% more content, is a completely updated dictionary designed for students and business people who are living in Japan and using the Japanese language on a daily basis. The two books are combined in Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary.Įvery serious student of Japanese needs a reliable and user–friendly dictionary in their collection.
Hundreds of scientific and medical terms with full Japanese equivalents With its sister publication, Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary, this dictionary makes the perfect reference for all students of Japanese. Includes many current terms such as artificial intelligence and internet. Many encyclopedic entries offer useful background information on Japanese history and culture. Idioms, phrases, and common expressions help expand vocabulary and sentence building skills. Thousands of full-length example sentences illustrate typical usage in natural Japanese. Semantic and usage differences between Japanese words and expressions explained clearly in English. Furigana pronunciation guides added to all kanji. More than 14,000 entries comprising the most commonly used words in English. Learners and their teachers studying under such curriculums will inevitably feel more comfortable with a dictionary such as Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary, one that shows the pronunciation of kanji with familiar and authentic kana script. Now, however, an increasing number of influential curriculums around the world are based on a rationale and methodology that demands the introduction of hiragana and katakana from the earliest stages. In the past, romanized dictionaries were of some value to students using textbooks that contained no Japanese script. Other dictionaries either provide little or no guide to kanji readings or romanize some or all of the Japanese words and sentences. With furigana superscripts, the beginner who is familiar with hiragana and katakana is able to read even the most difficult and obscure kanji at a glance. What is furigana and why is it so important? Furigana refers to the small kana that are printed above or alongside kanji to show the pronunciation of the Chinese character. It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind students, teachers, business people, and casual linguists. The dictionary gives the romanizations of both, to facilitate verbal communication it also gives, for readers of Japanese, the ideogrammic representations of both words.A comprehensive, communicative, and practical guide to using Japanese, Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for anyone with an interest in the Japanese language. The word "computer" for instance, may be translated indigenously as "keisanki," but the borrowed English "konpyuta" is also widely used. The dictionary also aids Western recognition and reproduction of katakana characters (Japanese characters used to represent the sounds of borrowed foreign words) by providing the exact romanized transcriptions of words borrowed from English and expressed in katakana form instead of keeping such words in their original forms.
The Japanese English section lists the romanized Japanese words (Romaji) according to the Roman rather than the Japanese alphabet, thus simplifying reference by Western speakers of Japanese as well as by native speakers of Japanese who are familiar with both Roman script and alphabetical order.
Professional translators of Japanese, English-speaking engineers and computer and dataprocessing professionals dealing with Japanese products or companies, marketing executives, and journalists are among those who will find this dictionary indispensable for such uses as translating an instruction manual, composing a telex message, ordering materials and parts, looking up a word during a face to face conversation, or interviewing executives in a technical field. It promotes clear oral communication, whether one is using purely Japanese words or terms that have been borrowed from English but are pronounced somewhat differently by the Japanese. The dictionary is unique in providing a romanized transcription for each of the 10,000 Japanese terms. It is a major contribution to more accurate sharing of scientific and technological information. With 10,000 entries, this dictionary is the most complete of its kind. Winner, 1989, category of Computer Science, Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Awards Competition presented by the Association of American Publishers, Inc.